Conan exiles marker map interactive
Conan exiles marker map interactive

conan exiles marker map interactive

Some are meant for solo players while others are grand enough, yet still secret enough, for large clans. There are hundreds of tiny spots and hidden spots alike where you can hide your secret headquarters. Top Secret Base Locations on the Exiled Lands Image from Emily Medlock

conan exiles marker map interactive

But even if you’re not roleplaying, hiding your stuff and spawn point is so beneficial. So this works out well for me from a tactical and roleplaying aspect. In these cases, I normally play a rogue character who hides in a secret base location. Large PvP servers aren’t for me, though I can have fun with a small RP PvP server. So as a PvE main player, I keep my base out in the open. Secret bases in PvE are pointless in Conan Exiles. Why a Secret Base? Image from Emily Medlock I suggest not doing this and instead finding your forever home as soon as possible. I know that I tend to wait until I’m already established in my not-so-great starter base before I set up camp in a more desirable location. However, finding that perfect spot for a base is also difficult, which is why so many people put it off for far too long. Without a base, life in Conan Exiles is quite difficult. They give you a safe place to spawn and store your most prized possessions. The best Conan Exiles secret base locations are perfect for PvP. Conan Exiles Castle Build Ideas: Fit for a Lemurian Queen - June 2, 2023.Conan Exiles Best Pet Mods – Every Game Needs a Dog - June 2, 2023.Conan Exiles Climbing Gear Guide: Become The World’s Best Rock Climber - July 6, 2023.

Conan exiles marker map interactive